Elit8 Body Vaginal Rejuvenation

Elit8 Body Vaginal Rejuvenation


This is a nonsurgical, non-invasive and non-hormonal in office procedure performed by our Registered Nurse.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is an advanced treatment modality that utilizes ultrasound energy within a temperature-controlled system. The HIFU wand is a small hand held device that is maneuvered manually by our licensed clinician. The ultrasound wand gently applies radio frequency heat to all areas inside of the vagina. The body responds to this exposure of warmth by stimulating its production of collagen, the key structural protein found within the skin. As existing collagen fibers are renewed and new ones are created within the vaginal canal this newly formed collegen in turns tightens the vagina, reducing bladder leakage and urinary incontinence. This newly restored collagen also contributes to the vaginas natural production of lubrication. Clients report absolutely no pain with this procedure, and can see and feel immediate results. And there is no downtime, so normal activities can be resumed the day of the procedure.

*Service is performed by a Registered Nurse 

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